Short Bio

Painting for white, artist expressing colorful white


How to depict things invisible but present, such as time, emotion, memory, etc.
Solid memories and emotions, such as human joys and deep sorrows, cannot be seen. Yet, I believe they remain in the form of vibrations in the air, even after time has passed.
Looking at a landscape, I feel as if I have suddenly seen traces of formless human activity.


1972 Born in Japan

1997 Gradueted from Sokei Fine Art School

2015.12-2016.11 / 2023.3-2023.6    Stay in Artist in residence(Cite Internationale des arts Paris)

Resume / CV

■Solo Exhibitions

2023   Galleria punto-Tokyo

2023   Open studio in Cite Internationale des arts Paris

2017 Galleria punto-Tokyo

2016   Open studio in Cite Internationale des arts Paris

2012 Esprit Nouveau Gallery-Okayama

2011 NIGATA Eya -Nigata ,Session-house Gallery-Tokyo

2010 O Gallery-Tokyo ,Gallery PoRtoLibRE-Tokyo ,Esprit Nouveau Gallery -Okayama

2009 The Asahi newspaper company-Tokyo,NIGATA Eya -Nigata

2008 O Gallery-Tokyo

2006 O Gallery-Tokyo

2002 Gallery Goto-Tokyo

2000 O gallery Up.s ,Gallery Mominoki-Tokyo

1999 Gallery Mominoki-Tokyo

1998 O GalleryUp.s-Tokyo

1997 O gallery Up.s -Tokyo

■Group exhibitions

2018 Japan-France exchange exhibition-Tokyo

<Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts/Musashino Art University>

2014 Two artists of new and powful -Museum of Kurashiki-Okayama

2013 Two persons exhibition-NIGATA Eya -Nigata

2012 Beyond the view -Historical Museum of Takahashi,

Tenjinyama Cultural Center,Nagi Museum Of Contemporary Art- Okayama

2010 Modern japanese Art work by 15Artists-Berlin

2000 The 2nd Painter's exhibition from Japan - Bangladish

■Quarterly magazine covers, illustrations:

worship of the mountain god/Written by Takeo Kato-Teraink/2005

Butterflies flying in winterkakko/Written by Reiko Suzuki-Teraink/2006

Little ones/Written by Syuuji Koizumi-Teraink/2010